Bu Remiè

Daughter of Ala Mhigo

Boooooring Details

  • Name: Bu Remiè

  • Age: 23

  • Born: Ala Ghanna, Grew up in Ala Mhigo

  • Race: Miqo'te

  • Occupation: Professional Garlean Arse Kicker, Advisor to Lyse Hext (My bestie), Leader of the Ala Mhigan Resistance, Avid Woodworker and Alchemist

  • Server: Crystal, Coeurl

  • Address: Currently Homeless🥹I miss my house so much

  • Hobbies: Sparring with Lyse, Relaxing at a Cafe, Reading

  • Likes: Apple Pie, Rolanberries (My favorite) Stuffed Animals, Autumn, Winter, Spiders, Lizards, Coeurls, Dancing

  • Hates: The heat, Bullies, Seeing People Go Hungry, Garleans, People Poking Me

My Story

Yo! My name's Bu Remiè. Sigh It's pronounced Rem ee AY!!!!!! Cough Anyways, most people just call me Bu. Easier that way.I was born in Ala Ghanna, though most of my early years were spent scrounging for food in the streets of Ala Mhigo. See my pap was an alchemist, he spent a whole lotta time wonderin the world, healin all kinds of folks of any kinda disease or injury you can think of, but when I was barely old enough to put on my own boots, that Dhalmel's ass of an empire, the Garleans, invaded Gyr Abania. In their sacking of Ala Mhigo, they hauled my papa off to Gods knows where, and with my mom sittin in some gaol cell in Ishgard, I was left on my own.I only survived cause a group of kids who were orphaned, just like me, took me in. We barely scraped by on the generosity of strangers____whether they knew it or not...Look, I'm not proud of what I did, but I had to do it or give up, and I ain't no quitter. Plus I made a promise to my father. I made a promise that Ala Mhigo would be free again and I would be the one to do it. Afterwards I would pay my dues.After a couple years of livin like a bunch of pigs wollerin in our own piss, I'd had enough. I could take bein spit on by the Garleans, I was even ok with eatin peoples...leftovers. What I couldn't take were the pity stares from all the other Mhigans. So I came up with a plan. The day before my 16th nameday, I would walk up to a fruit stand and steal an apple right in front of the merch'. Course he'd called the guards, that's what I was hopin for.See, in the Oh sO gLoRiOuS Garlean empire, Spit when you break a rule, they don't just throw you in prison, oh no, they ship you off to join the army. "No punishment's worse for the conquered than to fight for the conquerors," or so they say...For me, it was a free ticket out of Gyr Abania. A chance to finally keep my promise.Long story short, the first chance I found to leave, I took. It just so happens it was pretty much exactly where I wanted to be. Ul'dah. A city where those with gil hold all the power!Ok, fine, I didn't exactly have a plan and maybe comin' to a city ruled by money, while I, a homeless urchin who didn't have a single gil to her name, wasn't the best idea; but there was one thing Ul'dah had that I could use to free my home. A Pugilist guild.Since then, I've met dozens of fellow adventurers, many of which I consider family. We even made a free company together. I've fought all across Hydaelyn, I've battled demons, void-spawns, primals; I even fought a giant robot...WITH MY OWN GIANT FREAKING ROBOT! Like, honestly, who else gets to say that?!But the best moment of all was when I fought side by side with Lyse, freaking, Hext, and finally freed my home. I just hope papa is proud of me, where ever he is...I love you papa and I want you to know I haven't given up on you.Bu.

Thanks for reading! ^_^

Thank you Maurice, for letting me use your cover!